I have been thinking a lot about what to write this week and honestly I am not really sure where to start. It has been one of the best weeks of my mission even with a couple of hard times thrown in there but overall it has been so great! This week has been very successful for us and we just keep seeing little miracles that are happening. It is just so comforting to know that no matter what, the work continues. We are only asked to do our best and then in the end it is the Lord who does the rest of the work. We are just helpers sent out into the field to plant the seed and give a little bit of water to it but the Lord does the real miracle. He is the one that makes the seed grow. It is only through Him that people will be able to make the changes they need in order to become members. This week was so great because we were able to meet with a lot of investigators and teach a lot of families. We now have 3 families that we are teaching and so far they are progressing. One family is now taking the lesson all together. When I was with Jargalsuren, we were only teaching their 13 year old son, but once Jargalsuren left, I focused on teaching the whole family. Every time we met I would make sure the whole family was there, otherwise we wouldn't meet because we made it a goal to teach families. Last week we were able to meet with them and teach them all together and they even came to church! However the real miracle was this week! Sister Ruu and I started teaching the plan of salvation. Because time was short and in order to get home on time, we decided to only teach the premortal life. As we were teaching the whole family was participating a lot during this lesson even the mom. The mom wasn't really interested before but something changed this last lesson and now she is talking a lot and interested in learning! It is so amazing to see the changes taking place already. At the end of our lesson we gave them a baptismal date which they accepted and so we plan to have them baptized on the 24th of June! So exciting right? They are really trying to do better and even came to church yesterday so they are doing so much better than they were before. This is just one example of what I am talking about when I said that this week was great! This week was full of experiences similar to this one. Han-uul is just full of a lot of great people and we are able to see a lot of success here! It is amazing being able to witness it all :) My companion in Khovd (countryside) right now for an STL split. The sisters out there are in our Zone and so the STLs had to go out and do a split with them before the end of the transfer. So she has been there for 5 days and I have just been with Sister Tao and then I have also been with Altantsetseg, one of our ward members so that I can cover my area and get work done in it and then sister Tao can cover her area. Going out with members for the whole day allowed us to get way more work done so it has been good! Man, as I am writing this and reflecting back over this week I just can't describe how happy I am and how great I am doing and how well things have been going!

English Teaching update: Yea things are still going pretty well at the University and the Secondary School. Summer is coming up and yes I do get a break from teaching which will be nice. This way we can focus totally on our mission work and we get a whole extra 12 hours to fill in with meeting people! IT will be great! School gets out around June and then starts again in September so we will get a nice little summer break and who knows, maybe I will get the chance to go to the countryside :)
Yea it is still getting warmer here. Except it is really windy now so all the dust gets thrown up in the air and gets in your eyes :( but other than that it’s nice and hopefully it will get greener here soon! I am told it is so beautiful during the summer so I am looking forward to seeing it!
Sister Kerby

This was the Mongolian symbol on their flag that they put on one of the mountains here in han-uul area.
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