Hi Everyone,
This week was really good. Like I told you last week, we went on a hike up in Jargalant and wow can I just say it was the most beautiful hike in the world! You will understand when I send you all the pictures I took! IT was awesome! You all would love that hike! I think the best part of it though was when we saw the shepherd with his sheep. We started talking to him and he was impressed with our Mongolian especially after we told him that we had only been here for about 7 months. He was a really nice man and he brought one of his goats over so that we could take a picture with it. He was super cool :) It was really nice just being outside and finally able to do some fun hiking and sight-seeing cause we weren't able to do too much of that during the winter so I am really looking forward to summer now :) I can already tell that it is going to be great! Some days we still have moments where it is really cold but for the most part it is warming up and we don't even need to wear tights anymore :) Let's see then the next big thing that happened this week that I can think of was I taught our District Meeting! That was really fun and I enjoyed doing that! I talked about Accountability and how important that is when relating to missionary work and how we need to be not only accountable to ourselves but also to the Lord and how we need to go to him every night with what we did throughout the day and look for areas that we did well and also for areas where we need to improve and then ask for his help on it.
On the bright side though we had stake conference where we now officially have 2 stakes in Mongolia. Two members from the Seventy came to Mongolia to do this and so that was really cool! We say Elder Toronto and Elder Gong. They both gave great talks and it was really cool being able to hear from them and to have them create that new stake! SO yea its official!
Anyways that is it for this week! I love you all! Have a good week!
Sister Kerby
Anyways that is it for this week! I love you all! Have a good week!
Sister Kerby